
Showing posts from December, 2020

Final Journal Write Up

  Alexandra Petersen GIS-4636-091 Professor Greene December 15, 2020 Final Journal Write-Up When signing up for this course, I didn’t exactly know what to expect.  I thought I would learn a little about the history of yoga and completing a few yoga practices.  With everything being online this semester due to the pandemic, I did not expect to learn nearly as much as I did.  This class taught me so much about the history of yoga, how yoga has changed throughout the years, the different forms of yoga, philosophy, and the many different meanings that yoga can have.  By making yoga a regular weekly activity of mine, I learned so much about my own body, the physical aspects of yoga, meditation, and the effects of yoga on mental health.   I grew up as a dancer, am currently a college cheerleader, and work at a physical therapy clinic as it is my intended career path, so stretching and fitness have always been a huge part of my life.  Before my dance competitio