Yoga Blog 8

The Principle of Karma and Samsara is the belief or law that each action has an equal reaction.  Samsara is the belief in reincarnation, meaning a continuous cycle of life where the soul is reborn, as a reaction to each action.  Therefore, in a way saying your actions in one life may affect the reactions in your next.  The Practice of Non Attachment in yoga is the practice of non attaching to things and others through meditation.  I personally feel that this definition of yoga is the most difficult to practice.  As we discussed in class, it is so extremely hard to detach from things like your friends, family, pets, and even social media and our phones.

        In the book of Bhagavad Gita, there are three yogas, Jnana, Bhakti, and Karma.  Jnana Yoga is the yoga of knowledge, Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of devotion, and Karma Yoga is the yoga of action.  I think the definition of the context of your practice space varies by person.  I think depending on your definition of your practice space, alters one's practice space.  For example, especially with current circumstances, many yoga studios are being held virtually through zoom.  


Connections are made outside the context of the practice space in yoga.  Connections are made through breathing, asanas, exercise, meditation, and mentality.  I think depending on one's definition and way of practice, connections may be different in your group practice.  I feel that spirituality is the biggest connection made outside of the context of the practice space.  Spirituality factors into the way you think of yoga outside of the studio or practice space.  It is how much you put into yoga and how it affects you in your daily life.



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