Yoga Blog 6

        Yoga is seen as a healing practice in my practice space because I don't think a yoga practice should depend on a location and scenery.  Yoga can be done anywhere, which is why there are so many different forms of yoga that come from all over the world for different reasons.  Although, with all of my yoga practices currently being on zoom due to the pandemic, I often try to convert my practice space to make it feel like more of a healing space.  My practice space then becomes a healing space because I make it one.

        I always close the door when I am practicing yoga to limit noise and make it as quiet as possible.  I also will open up a window if it is nice outside to get some fresh air in my practice space.  The olfactory system is also one of the strongest direct lines to our emotions, which is why I often light candles or use my essential oil diffuser because it calms me down and makes me feel more at peace.  I think scent is extremely important in a healing space.  

        This healing property of yoga is often communicated through the yoga instructor.  In any of my previous classes, my yoga instructors have talked and guided the practice through a calming tone of voice and give directions to calm oneself during class such as how Madfit expressed in my youtube yoga class this week.  She expressed her breathing in a calming way, such as "exhale as if you are breathing out all of the bad energy and negative thoughts."  This healing tone and practice is always a part of any yoga practice I have taken part in, besides certain strength and conditioning classes I have taken.  I always feel stretched and relaxed after doing yoga.  Depending on the time I do it, I feel differently.  If I do it in the morning I usually feel more energized and motivated throughout the rest of my day, and when doing it before bed at night, I feel calm and usually sleep better and can fall asleep quicker.  


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