Yoga Blog 5

        This week I was able to practice two different types of yoga during class this week.  On Tuesday we practiced Iyengar yoga with Amita Bhagat, and on Thursday we practiced Ashtanga yoga with Andrew Eppler and his wife through zoom.  Both were similar in some aspects, but also very different in what was being focused on, breathing, and the difficulty levels.  Although, I think I enjoyed each yoga class equally.

        In the Iyengar yoga class with Amita Bhagat, she had discussed uses of different wooden props, such as a wooden yoga bending bench and yoga blocks.  She also made a lot of use of the wall, especially for people who were struggling with specific poses.  Amita discussed a bit about herself and how Iyengar yoga poses help not only your physical body, but your internal body on a cellular level, such as your digestive system.  I thought it was interesting how many different poses that were specific to women's reproductive system and specific poses there were for women menstruating to help with cramping.  This practice did not focus on breathing as much, besides during savasana.  

        On Thursday, we had Ashtanga yoga with Andrew Eppler.  Andrew spoke into a mic while his wife did the actual yoga practice.  Ashtanga yoga focused much more on breathing than Iyengar did.  He also focused a lot more on chants during the practice.  Our practice was on a higher level of difficulty than Iyengar yoga was due to the variety of different poses taught.

        I really enjoyed both classes for different reasons.  I enjoyed Iyengar yoga because I felt I learned a lot more about the different positions that effect the body on a cellular level, but I enjoyed the variety of more difficult poses in Ashtanga yoga as I enjoyed the challenge and fun body stretch, as well as the focus on breathing throughout the practice. 



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