Yoga Blog 4

       Based on the article by Nervin, I might analyze my practice as a "ritual" by embracing the spiritual aspect of yoga in my practices.  Often times, when I have practiced yoga I have only really viewed the body from the outside.  To me, yoga is often only been a form of exercise, stretching, and strengthening that calms me down and makes me feel more at peace.  Although, by analyzing my future practices as a ritual, I think I will now try to incorporate yoga as a an embodied experience.

        This ritual function changes the nature, impact, or intensity of my yoga practice experience.  By ritualizing a practice, it does not only change the practice in that moment, but your daily life.  This would help my view the body as a whole, heighten sensitivity, involve a spectrum of emotions, and feel empowered socially and mentally.  I think analyzing my practices as a ritual will change the nature of the experience as I will spiritually feel more involved in each practice, as opposed to only my breaths and how far I can stretch, or how long I can hold a pose.

        This week, when practicing, I felt that by emotionally being more involved in the practice, I felt more grounded as it was a routine needed to be followed.  I think analyzing my practice as a ritual may intensify the mental impact of my practice experience.  A ritual would provide me with a sense of specific routine which would help keep me grounded and balanced as an individual.  I think this would impact my real world experiences by making me more attentive of true nature.    


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